Mods / Better Arrows

Category: #Tweak #Weapons
Author: Sadi
Side: Both
Created: Feb 3rd at 5:01 PM
Last modified: Feb 3rd at 5:05 PM
Downloads: 640
Follow Unfollow 27

Latest file for v1.20.3: 1-click install

I felt that the damage of bow and arrow was a bit underwhelming and buffed it a bit, especially higher tiers, since they are expensive to make and should reward players for using the metal for arrows.
The same applies to breaking. Realistically every arrow should have the same chance of breaking since we use the same sticks for all of them and the tip has nothing to to with it but it is a game...
Long story short better metal means less chance of breaking.

List of changes to each arrow:

  • crude arrow: 0 damage , 20% break chance
  • flint arrow: 0.5 damage, 20% break chance
  • copper arrow: 1 damage , 10% break chance
  • tinbronze arrow: 2 damage , 8% break chance
  • bismuthbronze arrow: 2 damage , 7% break chance
  • gold arrow: 2 damage , 15% break chance (weak metal, soft bad for arrows, thereforce a bit higher break chance)
  • silver arrow: 2 damage , 15% break chance (weak metal, soft, bad for arrows, thereforce a bit higher break chance)
  • black bronze arrow: 2.5 damage , 5% break chance
  • iron arrow: 4 damage , 3% break chance
  • meteoric iron arrow: 4.5 damage , 2% break chance
  • steel arrow: 6 damage , 0.5% break chance (shows as 0% break chance but it can still break)


I wont push an update but it still works in: 1.20.4

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.0.0 640 Feb 3rd at 5:05 PM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 gnorp, Feb 4th at 7:03 PM

Sadi No problem, I had no idea combat overhaul had its own calculations. Thanks :)

💬 Dirty_Wizard, Feb 4th at 4:30 AM

Thanks for this, I find that vanilla bow and arrow sucks and they just aren't viable so I never bother using them

💬 SadiAuthor, Feb 3rd at 7:03 PM

gnorp This mod only modifies Vanilla arrows. The Overhaul Mod has its own damage calculation(and damage types) as far as I know. So while it should not crash/ give errors it will simply be overwritten by the Overhaul mod I'm afraid.

💬 gnorp, Feb 3rd at 6:42 PM

Is this compatible with Combat Overhaul?

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