Mods / Arts XSkills

Category: #Other
Author: Fedarmens
Side: Both
Created: Feb 3rd at 7:24 PM
Last modified: Feb 4th at 5:10 PM
Downloads: 1799
Follow Unfollow 57

Latest file for Various v1.20.x: 1-click install

A mod for compatibility of the XSkills mod with the Fedarmens Arts series mods. XSkills and Core of Arts mods are required to work.


The vanilla cooking pot and metal pots from the Art of Cooking mod interact correctly with cooking skills.

Seeds and crops from the Art of Growing mod interact correctly with farming skills.

The firepit made of straw from the Art of Growing mod correctly interacts with cooking skills.

Мод для совместимости мода XSkills с модами серии Arts от Fedarmens. Для работы требуется установленные моды XSkills и Core of Arts.


Ванильный котелок для приготовления пищи и металлические кастрюли из мода Art of Cooking правильно взаимодействуют со скилами готовки.

Семена и посевы из мода Art of Growing правильно взаимодействуют со скилами фермерства.

Костер из соломы из мода Art of Growing правилно взаимодействует со скилами готовки.

Version For Game version Downloads Release date Changelog Download 1-click mod install*
v1.1.0 1393 Feb 4th at 5:10 PM Show Install now
v1.0.0 406 Feb 3rd at 7:28 PM Show Install now

4 Comments (oldest first | newest first)

💬 conninator2000, Feb 5th at 3:48 PM


Haha yeah i ran into these issues and figured id fire some shots out into the dark in case someone with more knowledge on modding (and a better work ethic for delving into unfamiliar mods) than I would be willing to do it. Really glad Fedarmens was able to given how much he has done already with his various mods and how he is familiar with what he has done and would have to mess with on his end of the patching.

But if there are other things you did want for a mod - if I have time and energy and you could find someone willing to use the model editor, i wouldn't mind lending a hand to the code/json portions of stuff. If you do, hit me up on the discord, same username there. I only mention that because my limited experience with the model editor was a bit of hell for me, it isn't that complicated, just takes a decent bit of time and effort.


Again, great work Fedarmens! Haven't had an issue yet

💬 Metalsoul212, Feb 4th at 3:57 AM

Thank you for this!!!

💬 Amo_ad_Solem, Feb 3rd at 10:30 PM

Thank you for the great mod, love all the mods this patches for <3


conninator2000  Haha I saw your messages on the main mod pages of all 3 mods, and genuinely considered contacting you about seeing if we could find a modder to comission. Glad to see a pathce come out anyway.

💬 conninator2000, Feb 3rd at 9:34 PM

Thanks for the great work! Look forward to putting this in :)

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